Saturday, February 14, 2009

Le Tour de Langkawi 2009-pelajar smksc meraikan para peserta LTDL2009

116 cyclists today in Batang Kali-Shah Alam stage.

Sambutan Pongal Peringkat Sekolah

Thai Pongal (Tamil: தைப்பொங்கல்) is a harvest festival equivalent to a thanksgiving event celebrated by Tamils across the world. Pongal coincides with the festival Makara Sankranthi celebrated in various parts of India. Pongal in Tamil means "boiling over or spill over." The act of boiling over of milk in the clay pot is considered to denote future wishes for the family.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Sambutan Maal Hijrah dan Tadarus Al-Quran Peringkat Sekolah